Only the first episode and it's quite funny!
Is not fun if you're tall and like tall chairs... Eyes dont function right but it hasnt been 8 hours straight...
It's almost 5 hours now, and my eyes aren't functioning properly.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! Ice cream, a rose and T.O.P! :D
So good, wishing for Secret Garden 2. Waiting for Dec 2012... HYUN BIN please agree to do Secret garden 2 !!!!! 
I didn't eat breakfast but I dont have school!!!! AWESOME.
I cannot concentrate hard enough to study social studies. My hand hurts from studying other subjects, so I don't know how I will survive writing two essays during the exam. I am so not ready. Rather than studying now, I guess I will study tomorrow before the exam.
Heck yeah! Biology, English, Math and Physics all done! Just Chem and Social Studies left! FREEDOM CALLS!
I should be studying once again. I don't know how I will survive in post secondary but I am sure I will make through with or without being lazy. LAZINESS will be my downfall, but persistence never lets me down.
I should be studying for my exams, but the lure of a computer is still pretty strong for me. I do not enjoy writing pieces of literature for school, but I guess a blog is different.

A blog is an outlet of what I want to say, but cannot because I tend to mumble or stutter or forget things 

Hypocrisy is nothing new in the modern society that is the twenty-first century. I do not know what I want to be when I get older, I do not have a clear goal in mind when thinking about careers. I just want to be able to pay my family and friends back for all they have ever given me and to be able to make them see that I am not some money-losing investment.